
Kieran Watson

Games Development Extended Diploma Level 3 Year 2

Previous School.
St Catherine's College

I’m considering my options at the moment

The project has enabled me to practice my art and design skills. I have chosen to experiment with the design aspect of making a game as programming is not my speciality.

The starting point for this project was my interest in designing the game and assets as well as my love for RPGs and Metroidvania type games.

I am interested in how to make assets faster and at a better quality. I am also interested in how professionals come up with concepts and the techniques used to make the designs.

This course has allowed me to see what it’s like to make games as well as being able to practice my art skills to create some basic games myself.


Lone Wanderer

My game is a single player RPG/Metroidvania game. It has a interconnected map and can gain new abilities and items as you make your way around the world. The different areas of the game are separated into two larger separate areas - a forest or field type area and an underground area. 

The overall aim of the project was to show off my specialist subject - graphic art. I created all the assets for the scene rather than focusing on programming in a lot of mechanics.

I looked at different sources to get ideas for how I could make the assets as well as creating the code of the project. These sources were mainly be YouTube videos. For ideas I looked at two games for inspiration - Hollow Knight and Neversong.

To get a good idea of what colours went together and to create a good palette I found some sources of colour theory. To find the colours I wanted, I used websites that allowed me to read their RGB values.


Gabriel Prefit


Joshua Willoughby