Oscar Price

Art & Design Extended Diploma Level 3 (Year 2)

Previous School.
Ratton School

Kingston University BA (Hons) Fashion design

This course allowed me the freedom to experiment with a variety of techniques, and enabled me to find my key areas of interest and inspiration and develop them further. My final project was called 'Fuse' - based on the how peolpe use Friston Forest. Through this exploration I wanted to tackle fashion versus functionality in relation to mountain bike clothing. I wanted to experiment with fabrics that were practical, sustainable (to protect the forest) and looked good. I looked at my local mountain bike community and felt the clothing didn't incorporate the natural beauty of the surroundings. I was interested in the relationship between the bike trails and the patterns, colours, light and textures of the forest. I used the essence of the forest, captured through photography, to develop screen prints and a colour palette. I combined this with my knowledge of sportswear to construct my final garment. Next year I will be progressing to Kingston University in London to study fashion Design.


Leeloo Osmani


Jorge Salvador